Prince’s Inlet – Part 2

25 05 2009

Past the yacht club on Herman’s Island there are some more lovely houses. Again, this house has its own separate guest house. This is one of our favourites.

past yacht club

Then there is an ultra modern design by the architect Mackay Lyons. I do like the park-like setting it has.

Mackay lyons

A little tern, resting on a float, wasn’t too happy about us passing close by.


So he flew off.Tern off

We made our way across to a little beach on Covey Island and hauled up.


Jeff just couldn’t wait to get into the picnic.

Jeff at picnicWe sat and looked back over to Herman’s Island, then paddled around Covey Island and back to Prince’s Inlet.

Island Picnic spot

Prince’s Inlet to Covey Island

25 05 2009

On Saturday we decide to try another little paddle on a different local bay, Prince’s Inlet. It was a beautiful sunny day, as we unloaded the kayak and set off.

kayak viewThere are some particularly lovely houses around this bay, with the most amazing locations. If we win the lottery then this would definitely be an area where  we would like to buy a house. We have  seen these houses from the back (roadside) but it was nice to pass right along below their front gardens.

House 1

I particularly like the natural wooden house with its lovely garden and Scot’s Pine trees. It seems to fit into its setting very well.

House 2A

The small house on the bottom left is the guest house of the house on its right!

Many houses have their own dock.

House 3 guest andmain

The location of all these house is amazing, but the stone defence walls do make you think about rising tides and flooding.

House 4

House 5 with dockWe paddled past the Lunenburg Yacht Club on Herman’s Island. As you can see it is not quite the season here yet, most people waiting till mid June to put their boats into the water.

yacht club 1

But we did pass one lone yacht further out in the bay.Lone yacht 3

July/August, these waters will be full of yachts and power boats. It was nice to have the water to ourselves this week-end.

I’ll put the second lot of photos on part 2 of this Blog.