White Point Beach Resort

8 05 2012

White Point Beach Resort opened in 1928, right on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean in Nova Scotia. It has a 9 hole golf course, tennis and volley ball courts, surf shop, kayak rental, paddle boats, walking trails, and much more.

Although we have visited the resort a few times, I did not take the photo which shows the main building and outdoor swimming pool.

Unfortunately, there was a devastating fire in November 2011.

Last Sunday, we headed to White Point. We approached the ocean from White Point No 1 Road and walked across the golf course to the stony beach.

Some houses look as if they are almost built right on the beach.

I particularly like this huge boulder balancing on the large pebble.

The sun was blinding as it sparkled on the ocean.

The last time we were here at this bay, there was a good surf,

and I took lots of photos of crashing waves and rocks.

This time, the sea was not so dramatic, but several surfers thought it was worth the effort.

Some paddled out to try to catch a wave.

It seemed that there was enough of a surf for some to get going, even if it was just for a short while.

As we walked around the bay, we looked over to where the resort building had been. The green administration building was visible and the shuttering was ready for the concrete of the new hotel.

At the resort everything seemed silent at the ocean cabins,

and the woodland cabins.

We didn’t even see any of the bunnies that normally hop around everywhere, so I’ve added one of my library photos with Louise feeding them.

According to the web site, White Point is planning to reopen in November of this year.

There is a lot  of construction to be done before then, but I am sure the resort will flourish again.

Winter in Mahone Bay

22 02 2011

I love the different seasons and enjoy each and every one. In the middle of summer, I am too busy enjoying the coastline here to think about winter. But then when winter comes, it has its own beauty.

Here Cameron and I are taking out his canoe for a first trip on the Back Harbour at Lunenburg in 2008.

Then Jeff and I bought a kayak and again launched it from the little beach at Back Harbour,

before paddling around the Bay and into Martin’s Cove.

But every winter the bays change and are more suited to hockey, skating and fishing.

This is looking across from our launch beach.

A few miles along the coast is Mahone Bay, where we first rented a kayak and tried out the sport.

The yachts are all lifted out of the water and wrapped up for the winter.

These three churches are on all the pictures and calendars of Mahone Bay.

We kayaked around this island, on that first paddle. It is called Strum Island and is one of 300 islands in Mahone Bay. It was bought in 2003 and denuded of all its trees, causing a great deal of controversy.  The owners built this massive mansion on it, which sticks up like a sore thumb.

Looking across to the town of  Mahone Bay from the Oakland road.

That same wharf from the other side.

The ice splits and heaves up around boulders.

This seal found a break onto the surface to rest. But Jeff took this photo for me and didn’t seem to be able to zoom in!

I dont seem to have photos of Mahone Bay in the summer – when it is packed full of yachts. That’s a project for this summer.

Heckman’s Island to The Rackets and Sacrifice Island

26 05 2009

Today was another lovely calm day so we decided to try out the kayaking at Blue Rocks. A couple of miles from the house and we were unloading the kayak into the water at the cranberry farm on Heckman’s Island. The water was like the proverbial mill pond, so it was easy paddling out.


We headed towards the Rackets first of all to see if we could see any seals. They were popping up all around us and then diving back down.

You might be able to see the black heads on the water.

Seals in distance

And the splash as one dives down.

Seal splash

The mothers were crying to the pups and telling them to follow them.

We landed on Sacrifice Island and I bent to help Jeff lift the kayak up the beach, only to do something to my back and be left standing in agony with pain going from the base of my back down both legs. I couldn’t move and didn’t know how I was going to get back to the mainland. My mobile phone was working so I thought we could always call the air ambulance!

I eventually managed to get myself seated on the kayak and Jeff found the paracetamol in the First Aid bag. I ate my picnic and then with a bit of trouble got back on my feet.

This is a view from Sacrifice Island. You can see why it is such a great area to kayak with all the little islands and rocky ledges.


We heard a strange noise and found this little seal pup lying sucking on a boulder. It would be waiting for its mother, so we moved away quickly.

Seal pup1

After I’d struggled back into the kayak, Jeff paddled all the way home.

We had a great view of an osprey as we landed and if I’d had the better camera could have had a photo of the nest on the top of a tall dead pine, with a bird sitting in it.

Another great trip.

Prince’s Inlet – Part 2

25 05 2009

Past the yacht club on Herman’s Island there are some more lovely houses. Again, this house has its own separate guest house. This is one of our favourites.

past yacht club

Then there is an ultra modern design by the architect Mackay Lyons. I do like the park-like setting it has.

Mackay lyons

A little tern, resting on a float, wasn’t too happy about us passing close by.


So he flew off.Tern off

We made our way across to a little beach on Covey Island and hauled up.


Jeff just couldn’t wait to get into the picnic.

Jeff at picnicWe sat and looked back over to Herman’s Island, then paddled around Covey Island and back to Prince’s Inlet.

Island Picnic spot