Cape Split Hiking Trail

10 12 2012

A couple of week-ends ago we decided to head to Cape Split on the Bay of Fundy. We did drive to Scots Bay 2 or 3 years ago, but gave up because of the potholes in the road. They were worse than anywhere else in Nova Scotia.

Nothing had changed in the condition of the road, in fact it was worse, but we persevered to the end. There were diggers, machines and lots of workmen and we thought it was just our luck that the trail was closed. But no, they were just starting on work to make a new car park at the entrance to the park and seemingly there are to be 2 compostable toilets at a cost of $42,000!


We headed along the trail, enjoying the sculptures of the old trees.


There is no tree management and so trees are allowed to  grow as they like.


With trees growing horizontally and branches shooting up at odd angles.



The trail ends at Cape Split, well named.


There is no way across to the stack of rock.


So we just had to enjoy the view while we ate our picnic.



This little squirrel seemsed to be putting his tongue out at us.


There were more wild tree shapes on the return trip, a total hike of just 15 km.


We saw this abandoned church on our drive to the park and had to stop for photographs.


I can’t see anyone taking this on as a renovation project.



Broad Cove

9 06 2009

After a hard winter it is fantastic to see everything turning green again, and we are enjoying the colours of the cherry and apple blossom, rowan and may flower, as well as the first of the wild flowers.

1 apple

At the moment the roadside is lined with wild stock, soon it will be the lupins and white roses. There are no big plantings along the Highways by the local authority, just natural wild flowers.


People are working in their gardens and garden centres are great businesses to have for the next few months.

There are so many ponds and lakes around that water lilies are a common sight. We saw yellow water lilies at Broad Cove on one of the little ponds at the beach.


These ponds are also protected places for turtles and the turtles have been given their own spots to sun bathe.

IMG_0368I don’t know what type of turtle these are. I don’t think they are Blanding turtle as they are extremely rare.

They might be the Eastern Painted turtle as that is the most common  turtle in Nova Scotia. I have just read that they are found in plant-filled ponds, lakes and streams and are often seen in groups basking on logs and rocks. They seem to be most common where lily pads and pickerel weed grow, eating insects, snails and bits of lily pad. So it sounds like them.


A little update on my pesky squirrel

Got up this morning to find my potted begonias, under where the bird feeder usually hangs (we bring it in at night), had all been pulled or dug out and were lying in a heap of soil on the deck. We think the squirrel came to eat and was angry at the lack of seed and took it out on the plants. Although, I have just been reading that squirrels do eat young garden plants and vegetables. So I now have to think up a solution to save all my other planters on the deck!