Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct- Part 1

9 07 2009

Kejimkujik National Park has two separate areas – the main one is inland, the other at the coast. It is the Seaside Adjuct that is our favourite, with trails that take you across board walks to the granite headlands or to a wonderful sandy beach. We went there last Saturday and walked the 9km walk around the rocky coastline. The cormorants were enjoying the warm weather despite the slight fog.Cormorants 1

We spotted a pair of  cedar waxwings up in this tree.

Waxwing 4

I didn’t realise how good a photo I took till I got home and put it on the computer. I am really pleased with the movement.

Waxwing flying

Further along the trail we were attracted by the noise of what we thought was a wren. On looking closer we spotted this Yellowthroat with its black mask.Yellowthroat 2

As is usual in the bird world the female is duller and not so flashy. She looks a bit like a yellow robin, don’t  you think?

Yellowthroat 4

We spotted a porcupine on our last visit  here, but had no time to get the camera. This time I had the camera in my hand, but still can only give you an idea of how he looks, as he was camera shy. At least you can see one ear clearly.

Porcu 1Then he is heading off into the thick scrub.

Porcu 4

I will put the rest of my photos on the next part of this post.

Kayaking around Lunenburg

9 05 2009

Lat weekend we went up to Halifax and bought ourselves a tandem kayak. This is something we have been promising ourselves since we had a day trip around Mahone Bay in a rented kayak last year. Louise and Cameron bought a 17′ canoe and have already had a few trips out, in fact we had a wee shot the first time they put it into the water. Here we are below in their canoe, although I look as if I am paddling a kayak and not a canoe.IMG_0331

I went shopping for life jackets and we had to find a roof rack for our Honda CRV this week, before we could try out our new toy. So, this morning we rose nice and early and loaded everything up. Yesterday’s fog had gone and it was a lovely morning.

DSC04783We were only driving to the Back Harbour at Lunenburg, a distance of about a mile, but the kayak had to be tied down no matter how far we were travelling. Jeff thought he’d pose to show you how he looks in his new life jacket and kayak skirt, before we set off.


We headed across Back Harbour and around the coast past Heckman’s Island.


We saw a tiny island with about 50 cormorants drying their wings, but my camera would not take any photos! Then a seal popped up not faraway, but again no photo! We paddled across to Second Peninsula and then right up the length of  the Peninsula to a little beach, where we hauled up and had our picnic in a field. The black flies were quite bad, so we didn’t sit too long, before almost retracing our route, back to the start.

This was a great first paddle for us, only about 15 km, but hopefully we’ll have lots of adventures to share with you this summer. And I might get some good photos. I did find out when I got home that the Memory card in the camera was full – still with wedding photos from the evening reception at Insch!

Anyone have any good ideas for a name for our new craft – I wondered about Blue Queen – obviously because of the famous Bluenose here in Lunenburg.