A Walk at Hell’s Point, Kingsburg

17 06 2012

The walk around Hell’s Point at Kingsburg is one we often take. It is only an 8 Km walk and is just a short drive from our house, making it convenient for any time of the year.

We usually start at Hirtle’s Beach Car Park and walk through the village of Kingsburg to Kingsburg Road.

From there we head onto the seashore and make our way around the first bay.

We pass this house with the square tower, which was originally a church and was moved 400 Km to this location.

A grassy path leads around the coast.

S0metimes you walk on grass, sometimes rocks.

You can look back across to Rose Head.

Sorry, this photo was taken on a dull day. You continue along the oceanfront towards another house with a square tower.

The public track goes along the edge of the property.

Then past this modern property, which I really like.

You are now on the opposite side of the peninsula from King’s Bay and heading back towards Hirtle’s Beach.

You can see a house in the distance on Beach Hill Road.

This house slightly concerns me.

The cliff face in front is falling away with every big storm.

Perhaps the owner plans to move the house, back from the edge before the inevitable happens..

We pass along the top of the cliff in front of the houses on Beach Hill Road, or, if the tide is out walk along the beach.

Back to car park.

You can see this walk on Google Maps. If it is too short it can be combined with the walk from the car park to Gaff Point and back, making a total of 16 Kms.


Hurricane Earl

8 09 2010

We followed Hurricane Earl on its way up the East Coast of America and prepared in case it should hit Nova Scotia.

After a week of temperatures in the 30’s we headed to Hirtle’s beach on Friday to see if the storm was making its presence known. Lots of people had come out to enjoy the surf and the air was cooler at the coast.

I was happy that the storm did not hit us until Saturday morning. The weather stations tracked it as it made landfall at Lunenburg. The winds bent the trees and the rain battered every window. We lost our power about 11am, along with 200,000 customers around the Maritimes. As the storm subsided and the sky lightened, I took this photo from the house.

The sea was rough, but nothing like the surf we had last year after Tropical Storm Bill.

Then, there were huge waves.

You can compare Earl with Bill –


We had a few dead pine trees that we intended to cut down soon, but Earl did that for us.

Unfortunately, they were right across our driveway.

Sunday, was spent clearing up and then we headed to Green Bay for a walk.

This barn did not manage to stand up to the storm, but then it only needed a last push as the roof had fallen in some time ago.

The only signs of the storm at the beach were the rafts of kelp, ripped up and dumped on the sand.

The lobsters hadn’t fared too well. There were lots of parts tangled in the weed.

But the cormorants were enjoying the day and as the weather man had said -‘What Hurricane?’

For more news of the storm around the Province go to


Ice Rescue

2 04 2010

Spring is here, and the break-up of the ice on the bays seems to be a good time for the fire brigade to practice their rescue skills. Probably this is one of the most likely times for people to have difficulties on the ice.

A couple of weeks ago, we came across the Riverport Fire Department out at Hirtles Beach. Unfortunately, I had just my little camera, so didn’t get any close-ups, but you’ll get the general idea.

The victim was  already  on the ice when we arrived and others moving across the ice.

The victim went through the ice and one person spread themselves out on the ice at the hole, while another rescuer walked out.

A rope was fixed to the person in the water. The crew on the land kept the ropes taut and the casualty was pulled out of the water.

Then they had another rescue at an even more open section. I’m not sure what the long  plastic tubes were for. Anyone able to help with that?

Hurricane Bill hits Nova Scotia

23 08 2009

We have been a bit tense the last few days, watching the progress of Hurricane Bill. The Hurricane Centre at Dartmouth was predicting it would hit the East Coast of Nova Scotia last night and today and might be serious, due to the extremely hot weather we have been experiencing for the past couple of weeks.

We tied everything  up outside that couldn’t be moved inside and cleared our deck. This meant bringing all of our garden pots inside, some to the basement, leaving an empty deck.

Cleared deck

We had heavy rain in the morning and lost our power for an hour but the winds did not get to the speeds predicted.

Once everything calmed down a bit this afternoon we all headed to Hirtle’s Beach to get some spectacular photos.

Looking down on Hirtle beach

Huge rollers


We had been kayaking the past three Sundays, but perhaps to-day was a day we had to miss.