Shark Week in Lockeport, Nova Scotia

17 08 2012

This was meant to be a fishing Blog telling about our trips fishing for mackerel and striped bass.

However, last week-end we headed to Lockeport to fish for mackerel, to find that the local Sea Derby was in progress. We fished for a short time at our usual pier, but nothing was biting, so we went over to the Government wharf to see what was being brought in.

Several fishing boats were waiting to land their catch. One boat had a long look-out platform for spotting sword fish. I liked her name.

Some cod had been landed and were being weighed and measured. There doesn’t seem to be a limit to the size taken, but there is a maximum of 10 rule.

The Governement body, the Department of Fisheries, was present to check what was being landed.

The sharks had to be winched from the boats up into a shed where they were weighed and measured and the contents of their stomachs examined.

The Porbeagle looked viscious, although they seemingly don’t attack humans.

The blue shark weighed about 350lb! I thought it was a beautiful colour.

We had a very exciting day and might go fishing at the Sea Derby next year.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is mako1.jpg



2 responses

17 08 2012

Well, it IS “Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. I caught a show last night talking about the disservice that was wrought upon the Great White by the move “Jaws”.

Really interesting post Jackie.

17 08 2012

Thanks Sybil. I saw a couple of programmes yesterday while I was doing my ironing about how Great Whites feed and another about rogue sharks. Seemingly once sharks turn rogue, they seek out humans and that is when you get a spate of attacks all by the same shark. I hadn’t realised that there were so many sharks so close in to Nova Scotia before.

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